Thursday, September 11, 2008

Our Week...

This week has been very busy for us... now that school has started, I transport the kids 4 days per week! Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are Parker's days (and Corbin who is here Mon-Wed) and then Mondays and Wednesdays are Avery's days (who is here typically Mon-Wed) and then Thursday it is just us (me and the boys) to take Parker to school! - - wooo... that is a lot! - - I have been LOVING it though because it allows us to get out of the house for a little bit each day and the kids love it too! :)

Besides running everywhere I have been busy helping my friend Julie with her garage sale she will be having this weekend (Sat.)! She has decided to close her daycare and is selling many of her items.... so if you are local, you'll have to come check it out! - - we are also having a bake sale with the proceeds going towards some of Julie's expenses! She was diagnosed with Stage 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer... and we want to help her out with some of the expenses she has incurred.

Then we spent last night over at our friends, Brian and Lori's house for dinner and SMORES!!! It was YUMMY!! :) Brian is quite the CHEF! He made us steak tips with fresh veggies, garlic mashed potatoes, corn, and oven-baked bread (which was still warm)!! It was delicious! - Great job Brian! Then after dinner we went outside and sat by the fire and roasted marshmallows and made smores... my favorite! :) THANKS for a GREAT night guys!! :)

Today we took Parker to school and then Owen and I went to the library for story-time... where we met Aunt Kim and Grace and Caroline!!! It was a good time, thanks for meeting us Kim! :)Afterwards Parker, Owen, my brother Matt and I ended up meeting my friend Laci at the park where we stayed and played for awhile! - - - what a fun day!

Sorry I forgot my camera for pretty much EVERYTHING this week... I will try to get some pics of the kids posted soon!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA HAMANN!!! :) Hope you have a special day! :)

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