Thursday, September 4, 2008

FIRST day of Preschool

Today was Parker's FIRST day of preschool!!! He was a lucky boy... his good friend from our daycare goes to school with him this year! :) They were BOTH soooo excited! It was precious! Parker acted like an old pro... telling Corbin what to expect!! hehe... it was very sweet!

Ironically... Owen and Braxton thought they should get to go to school too, so they grabbed back packs and waited to be photographed... saying "CHEESE" and all!!! hehe... it was so cute, they were so excited to get to take their big brothers to school!!! What a treat!

When we went to pick the boys up... they both were so excited... their FIRST day was lots of fun!!! :)

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

Ahhhh, first days are so fun!! Can you believe it is off to kindergarten next year?!?!?