Sunday, October 5, 2008


It has been a busy week this week for us... on the go lots! Here is the run down...

I got most of my Fall decor out... and I have been burning YUMMY Pumpkin Spice candles!!! - - I LOVE FALL! We had hoped to go get some pumpkins this weekend (since our last trip to a pumpkin patch was unsuccessful) but didn't get that done... so we will get some this week to add to the front porch!

This is my Halloween Door Hanging... for now... I change every week! :) Plus this one may be going to a new home (Jodi)! :)

Tuesday nights have been "Girls Night" for me so I have been going with friends to the movie every Tuesday since it is BARGAIN NIGHT - - it is only $4 to get in and .50 to fill your own tub of popcorn... so it is a CHEAP night out! :) - - not to mention tons of fun to have girl time! :) Then Wednesday was "Provider Night Out" where a bunch of us daycare providers get together once a month to visit and network over dinner! - - Again, another GREAT night out with GREAT company!!!

Then we had visitors this week... Little Miss Hallie and Little Miss Reese came to see us and brought us treats and flowers! The flowers were BEAUTIFUL - THANK YOU Hallie! They stayed for a bit to visit and played outside with the boys for a bit and Candi and I got to chat! THANK YOU... the treats were soooo yummy and gone in record time! :) - - Candi had a few more fun photos on her blog...

Friday we spent the evening with Ryan, Candi, Hallie and Reese! Candi made us another GREAT meal and Nick and Ryan worked on more home improvement projects during the afternoon/evening. The kids got to play together again... and like most kids they spent more time fighting than playing! - - but they are always so eager to get together!?!? Go figure! :)

Next... on to the BUCS Hockey game! We took Parker's little friend Cooper to the Bucs game (the first one of the season) Saturday night! Brad (Cooper's dad) was as usual extremely generous to us... and we had a GREAT night! The boys (all 3) got OFFICIAL Hockey Pucks and Cooper and Parker got to ride the Zamboni again!!! Those boys are so lucky! After the Bucs WON against Tri City - 8 to 2... we decided to have a sleepover at our house with Cooper! The kids were so good all night and then Cooper came to church with us this morning and then off to Krispy Kreme to get our FREE donuts for the Bucs winning and scoring 6 points! :) GO BUCS!!! We had such a nice weekend... THANK YOU again Brad for the night of fun!! - - Nicole.. hope you and Lilly had a nice 'GIRLS' night!!


Jodi Lansink said...

WOW---you have been busy too----my comment will have to be in bullet form:

. LOVE your fall decor!!! I am also burning my FAVORITE pumpkin spice candles! YUM!!!

. That was very nice of Hallie and Reese to bring treats---they look very yummy! Might have to try those!

. I think it is great that you get time away with the girls(wish I had some "girl friends" to get together with sometimes in IG!)

. VERY cute pic of you and Owen at the bottom-----and all the other pics of course!

I think that is it! Oh---can't wait to get my pumpkin today!! Thanks!!

Snavels said...

Oh I love your fall decorations! I can just smell your house right from VA...your house always smells so good! :) I am sad there is another Reese in your life..:) :) J/K but we missz you lots!!

Candi Ladwig said...

We love living so close! You have made our move so welcoming {and the work help is great!!} Thanks again, I'll get to refilling the plate :)

Your decorations look so cute!! Can't wait to get together again!