Thursday, January 22, 2009

Movie Dates...

Today was a movie day for the Hamann's!! This morning we had a play-date/movie date with my friends Julie (and her son Trey) and Ruth (and her daycare kids) at Billy Joes Picture Show. They were showing Madagascar 2... so I had Parker go to Cooper's after school and Owen, Avery and I joined the others to see the show! It was such a cute movie and the kids were so good... minus the few attemps by Owen to escape... oh that boy... he is so busy! He did watch most of the movie though... and they all seemed to enjoy it! It was such a fun idea (THANKS JULIE) and we are sad to hear that Billy Joe's will be closing in 3 weeks unless someone buys it and keeps it open! - - It is a GREAT winter activity for daycare... and only $4/person or $6/person with a drink and popcorn! Hopefully someone will buy it and we can do this again!! Here are a couple of silly photos!!!

Then tonight Nick and I had a date night with our friends Brian and Lori Sheeks! Our regular babysitter wasn't feeling well (hope you feel better soon, Lindsay) and our other sitter was at work, so we asked Alicia and Brenton to come watch our boys... and they did... and were here in 20 minutes!!!! :) THANK YOU SO MUCH guys... we REALLY appreciate it!!

So for our night out we went to see 'PAUL BLART MALL COP'! It was a good movie... although we thought it would be funnier than it was, but still a FUN one to see! :) The Hamann's give it 2 thumbs up! - - How could anyone not LOVE Kevin James??? - - - he is so funny!!!


Mere and Jonny said...

Fun time!!!
let us know when we can babysit next time :)

Alicia said...

Oh, and they tried to pay us... Right.. like we are going to charge for hanging out with your boys! I forgot to tell you that we had to check for Monsters in the closets... LOL

you save the money you tried to pay us and pay a babysitter so WE can go out together!!!

We had much fun with the boys... Parker was SO good and Owen was pretty good too, besides the whole "I'm not going to bed if Brenton is here" ordeal. Sorry they were both passed out in the living room when you got home, but at least we did get them to brush their teeth.

We would do it again in a minute.. Thank you SO much for thinking of us to watch them. Let us know if you ever need an overnight!! (We will probably all end up sleeping on the floor in the living room though!!! haha)