Sunday, January 4, 2009

My NEW Shelf and Crafts!

For Christmas Don (my father-in-law) made me a new shelf to go over the bench he had made for me a few years back... and I absolutely LOVE it!!! This is at the bottom of my steps in the basement so all of the kids at daycare can sit down to get their coats, hat, etc. on! THANK YOU, Don!!!

I have been working on storage and organizing since I have been on break and I was excited about trying to make some crafty things too... so I bought some boxes and covered them with scrapbook paper! The first one is a "hat" box and the other is a square box.

Here is a look...


Mere and Jonny said...

Super cute Lor!!! LOVE IT :)

{find joy in the journey} said...

Your shelf turned out very nice....... I love the boxes!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Love the shelf! You are lucky to have someone to do that for you!!! The boxes are soooo cute too----you are sooo crafty----come help me be crafty and help me decorate---I am clueless!!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

Your boxes turned out great! I love the shelf, too! We'll have to stop by and see your basement now that is all redone!!