Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baby #3's Nursery!!!

We have been working on baby #3's nursery for awhile and finally have everything (except wall art/decor) completed! I am soooo excited and anxiously awaiting this little guys arrival!! :) I painted all of the walls "sprout green" and the crib wall "chocolate brown". We were able to get a new crib for this little guy since our last one was recalled (and it was FREE - - what a deal)!! We have added new baskets and bedding to make his nursery all his own... and we love it! :)

Here are the curtains - - made by my friend Katy!!! - - THANK YOU!!! We LOVE them!!! They match PERFECTLY!

The changing table (made by my dad - - the last thing he made me) we added all of the dark baskets and got liners for the smaller ones.
Here is our FREE crib!! :) - - and the new bedding! - - We ordered the bedding from the same place we ordered the fabric for the curtains, so they match perfectly!! :)

Here is the book shelf (same one we've had for the other 2 boys) - - again we added new baskets to bring in the brown!! :)

I even found brown and green canvas bins for the closet so everything coordinates!! :) - - we haven't gotten out all of our clothes yet, so that is the next task - to bring them out of the attic and get them washed up so our little guy has something to wear when he comes home!!!

Here are the new little blankets I order from my friend Katy also... she does GREAT work!! :) - - I love that the fabric also matches the curtains and bedding perfectly!! :) I am ordering a larger blanket to throw over my rocking chair (a gift from my dad) and a pillow case  for a small pillow to set on the rocking chair!

If you are interested in checking out Katy's items... here is her site:! - - she does a GREAT job and has GREAT items! :)

It is all coming together... and I am having so much fun working on it! - - Now I need to do some "sweet talking" to Papa Hamann so he will make me some wood pieces so I can paint the letters of the baby's name on them when we decide what it will be! :)


Alicia said...

LOVE IT!!! We will have to come see it soon!!!!

Christi said...

I LOVE IT!! I can't wait to see it in person- SOON!!

Mere and Jonny said...

I love it. I was so glad I got to see it last week! Super cute :) Can't wait to meet the little guy now!

Jodi Lansink said...

Love the color scheme---such a cute room----can't wait to see the little guy!