Monday, April 5, 2010


We had a great Easter celebration this weekend with the Hamann's, Edsen's and my Mom! Everyone came to us since I am in my last week of pregnancy... and the Edsen's hosted Easter at their house for all of us! :) Here is a run down of our weekend...

On Saturday we took the boys to Waukee Centennial Park for their annual Easter Egg Hunt! There were TONS of kids there to find eggs... and Nick took Owen to his age group while I took Parker to his. Unfortunately we weren't able to get any pictures during the hunt as it was crazy and fast... but we did get a couple afterwards! :) The boys both had a great time and got lots of candy!!!
On Sunday we went to church in the morning and then the boys opened their presents with Nina Wilson.
Here are the boys before leaving for church...
Here they are getting their Easter presents...

After opening presents we headed out to the Edsen's... and as soon as we got there Parker realized that he hadn't made Papa Hamann's birthday card yet (which was the 1st of April) so he asked for paper and markers and got started right away!! :)
Aunt Kim & Uncle Dan had an Easter Egg Hunt outside at their house for the kids... so the boys were super excited... and again got TONS of candy!! :)

After the hunt we had a DELICIOUS Easter dinner with the family and then Nina and Papa Hamann had a scavenger hunt for the kids to find their Easter baskets! It was so cute!! :) - - what a great idea Nina!! :)

Here are the boys with a clue in hand...
and here I am reading one of the clues... (note the large belly - 39wks :))
Here is Owen when he and Parker found their baskets out in the garage! :) And Caroline and Grace getting ready to start their hunt! :)
Parker patiently waiting to open his basket... and Owen on cloud 9 when he opened his MARIO pajamas!! :)
More basket opening pictures of the girls and the boys...
We had a GREAT time at the Edsen's.... THANK YOU SO MUCH for having us over for Easter! :)

When we got home we took a couple of family photos...
HAPPY EASTER from our family to yours!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Fun fun weekend!!! You all look great---and love the boys in their ties! Just think-----your new little guy will be alomst 1 next Easter!!! :)

Mere and Jonny said...

Love your family picture! The boys in their ties looks soooo handsome :) I was hoping you would go over the weekend! I hope you go this week so call me after he's born :) Dying to come meet him!!! We were gone this weekend otherwise I would have stopped by with Owen's present. I'll get it over to you soon!