Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Introducing DREW ISAAC HAMANN....

We are so excited to announce the birth of our youngest son... DREW ISAAC HAMANN! He was born on Tuesday, April 13th, 2010 at 12:04pm at Methodist Hospital. He is 8lbs 1.8 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He is absolutely PERFECT... and we are so excited that he has finally arrived!! :)
Parker and Owen are so proud... Nick went and picked up the Nina's and Owen and got Parker out of school early to come meet their brother! Everytime I talk to Parker or Owen they ask... "what's Drew doing?" ... it's pretty sweet!!
Everyone is doing great... but I miss my other 2 boys! :( We are looking forward to getting to be at home all together... on Thursday!
Here's a look at our little guy...


tricia said...

Congratulations Nick and Lori! He looks like a good combination between Parker and Owen. And Lori you look great!

Jodi Lansink said...

Congrats! He is a lucky little boy to be in a GREAT family! I am sure he will get lots of love from those big brothers!! And...he is ADORABLE!!!!!!

Lori said...

Congratulations Nick and Lori! He is just precious!!

The Edsen said...

He's so sweet - we are so excited to welcome him to the family!!! Let us know if you need ANYTHING!
Love, Aunt Kim, Uncle Dan, Caroline & Grace

mary said...

Congratulations Nick,Lori, Parker and Owen! I like his name - he looks like good strong young fellow. Bet Gramma is pretty proud too both of them!Take care I'm happy for you!

Mere and Jonny said...

Congrats! Jonny and I are so glad we got to meet him last night. He is precious! He looks IDENTICAL to Parker :) Owen's nose but thats it :) Dark "nick" hair :) I can't wait to get to babysit. I will get you that outfit back too and glad you loved the quilt Shar made for you!

Candi Ladwig said...

Congrats again!! We can't wait to be back home so we can come and meet him! {Big Hugs!!}

The Ladwigs
{Your Brady to the Bunch!! hehehe}