Saturday, April 24, 2010

Looking Out My Backdoor...

do do do looking out my backdoor...
A little (CCC) Creedence Clearwater Revival came to mind when posting this!! This past week we have seen some pretty neat stuff... just by looking out our backdoor! Here's a peak of what we saw!!

Hot Air Balloon...
Last week we got to not only see a hot air balloon, but we watched it land too in the field across the street from us! - - the boys thought it was pretty great!! :)
Then... On Friday I was on the phone with Aunt Kim when I looked out my backdoor and saw 2 geese on top of our swingset!!! They stayed around for quite awhile... and when they left, they were awfully chatty!! I am just hoping they didn't leave a nice mess behind in the yard or on the swingset!! - - it's been rainy so we haven't been out to check! hehehehe!

Kind of fun what can be seen when I am...
do do do looking out my backdoor! :)


Candi Ladwig said...

what a fun backdoor you have :)

Alicia said...

I saw that hot air balloon too, and wondered where they were going! LOL

As for the geese, they probably pooped all over the yard, but just have nick pick it up when he picks up the Tucker's poo! :-)

And as for the pictures of Drew - he is just as scrumptious as Parker and Owen! We need to get over there to see you guys and meet the little guy!!

Alicia said...

Oh, and now that song is stuck in my head.. and Brenton's evidently because he is singing it now, too! :-)