Sunday, September 7, 2008


We had a GREAT Sunday... Nicole called me this a.m. and wanted to come to church with us!! We were so excited!! :) It was a fun service... a little different with a guest motivational speaker, but a really great message! Lilly and Cooper were a little aprehensive at first, but I think they enjoyed themselves!! - - the FREE goodie bag helped too! :) hehe!
After church we ran some errands... and stopped by Ryan and Candi's only to smell a YUMMY aroma coming from the kitchen!!! Me being the nosy person that I am... I ran to see what was cooking! She was making some BBQ Chicken with green peppers and onions... I watched her closely, only to steal her NEW recipe for our own lunch! :) - - THANKS Candi!!! :) It was YUMMY!!!!
After getting things done around home and relaxing we joined up with the SHEEKS Family (Brian, Lori, Abby and Anna) for a family date at BIG CREEK PARK!!! We had never been there and it was GREAT!!! - - well, minus the rain Brian!!! hehe! We had Subway at the shelter house and then on to the play equipment! The kids had a great time!!! :) ... and so did we!
Afterwards we went back to their house and planned to make smores... but had to cut it short so we could get to Target before it closed... as Parker is the LEADER at preschool tomorrow and has to bring treats!

Sorry to have left in such a hurry... we had a GREAT time and can't wait to do it again!!! - - We will be thinking about the smores for later this week! :) THANK YOU for inviting us for such a fun outing!!! :)

Below is Lori... BEGGING for me to take her picture! :) hehe

P.S. Aunt Tricia... Owen LOVES his "Tractor" sweatshirt you got him for his birthday and wants to wear it ALL the time now!! :) THANK YOU!! :) - it is ADORABLE!


Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like lots of fun---you got some really cute pics at the park!

Candi Ladwig said...

That is a fun park!!! We'll have to add it to our list! Thanks for stopping over, come anytime!