Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy 60th Mom!

This past weekend my (Lori's) Mom turned 60!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!We went to Ida Grove for a visit and to help her celebrate this milestone! While we were there we got to also visit Nina and Papa Hamann for a bit (hope you are feeling better, Nina) and then got to go over to some friends' house and visit and have some yummy food during their Pampered Chef party! (Sorry Mom was on the phone when I was trying to take pictures... and I have to take what I can get!! :))

The kids had a blast helping Daddy outside with some housework to get ready for winter - Nick installed a new garage door opener for my Mom and then cleaned out her gutters and picked up branches and hauled them to the dump for her... so there was lots to do!

Parker and Owen played outside most of the weekend... Mom has this old metal swingset from the previous owners of her house and surprisingly it is still standing and even still has one swing left on it! The boys played on it all day on Sunday - Parker even went ALL THE WAY ACROSS the monkey bars on his own!!! He was so excited!! :) Here are a few pics from the weekend.

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Lor - Sounds like your mom had a good birthday. Tell her hi and happy belated bday!! The boys looked like they were having fun playing. I miss them! I better get over and see them!!

Tell Picker hi!!!