Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Parker Update...

Parker's arm is feeling MUCH better! :) Yeah! We got ZERO sleep the night it happened... poor Parker cried and whined all night --- Nick and I were EXHAUSTED and I might ad that he remembered none of the crying and whining! Agghh... poor thing! - - too bad we remembered it all in the morning!!! :)

The doctors wanted him to elevate his arm when possible to alleviate pressure and to keep it stationary as much as possible - - YEAH RIGHT!!! So little miss Kya (who actually broke her elbow last year) had a sling and we asked to borrow it... and of course we had to get photos.

Here are a few pictures of Parker and one of Parker and Owen - - The one with both boys is of Parker showing us his arm and Owen is on daddy's cell phone talking to Nina (a.k.a. Nani) Hamann!! :)

Parker took off the sling this afternoon and hasn't asked for it back yet... he says his arm feels better, so I hope it is healing up for him!

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

So glad he is feeling better... but now when Hallie isn't listening I say, "you are going to fall and break your arm!" She says, "Like Parker?" ... and listens right away!