Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Childless Weekend

This weekend I had my friend Julie's sale so Nick decided he wanted some alone time to get some things done and watch the BIG game on Saturday, so he called Nina and Papa Hamann and asked if they would be interested in watching the boys for the weekend! Nina and Papa said YES so Nick met them in Jefferson on Friday night and after eating at Pizza Ranch the boys went home with Nina and Papa!!! - - THANK YOU SO MUCH DON AND JANE!!! :)

So... Saturday after the sale Nick and I decided to go out to dinner and then meet up with our friends Laci and Justin and head to the Comedy Club (The Funny Bone). We had gotten FREE tickets, so that made it even better!!! :) After the comedy (which was GREAT) we came back to our house and hung out for awhile (ok... it was after 2 before we got to bed)... and we did not get up today until 12pm!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!! - - I can not remember a time when we slept so late!!! It was so nice! - we must have been EXHAUSTED! :)

Then today we met Nina and Papa Hamann in Carroll to get the boys - - we were SOOO happy to see our little boys, that is until the entire evening was spent fussing and crying and whining about EVERYTHING!!! Aghhh! Seriously... they were GRUMPY boys... Nina and Papa must have wore them out! :) - - either that or maybe they would have just rather have stayed there with Nina and Papa?!?! hehe!

Anyways... we had Ryan and Candi and the girls over for dinner... and the Dads and the kids were playing outside and Parker decided to climb up on the roof of our little playhouse and he fell off!!! He complained all evening that his arm hurt, but he could use it, so we weren't too concerned... that is until around 9pm when he was STILL crying about it! So Nick took Parker to the ER to have it checked out and I am at home with Owen waiting to hear the results! (I will post the results once I know!)

Despite all of the fussiness, we did have a great time tonight... thanks for coming over and thanks for the GREAT bars!! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

It's awlays nice to have a couple days without the little ones...and looks like you took advantage and had a great weekend!

Candi Ladwig said...

Thank you for the yummy supper! Can't wait to get together again!