Saturday, May 30, 2009

Soccer Practice...

Our little boy started soccer last night {sniff sniff}! He is already 3... and now on to bigger and better things! :) He has loved soccer for as long as I can remember... he talks about it all the time, gets excited if we drive by the high schoolers playing soccer, kicks a ball around all the time or just carries it with him! This boy is a sports LOVER!
It was so fun to get to see him be involved in something by himself!! He was such a BIG boy! The practice was an hour long... and he did really great until about 40 minutes into it. At that time he walked off the field over to Nick and I and said "Mommy, I tired!" Poor thing! We encouraged him to go out and try some more since they were teaching some of the "good" stuff, and he did... but then came back over to us about 5 minutes later... and then again about 3 minutes later... and then about 2 minutes later until he was just done! He had a blast... but was just wore out! - - plus, there was a swingset there that he thought looked pretty fun! - hehehe!
All in all... he had fun, learned lots and did great! He is excited for next week already! We hope to video next time and I will try to post it... but not sure how to just yet! :) Here are some pictures of his first practice!!

Grill Out...

Wednesday night we had the Ladwig family over for a grill out! We had hotdogs and hamburgers, veggies, apple-snickers salad, and chips... and it was YUMMY! :) The kids always love a chance to get to play with their cousins, so they had lots of fun!! :) We didn't get many pictures... but I did manage to snap a few! :)

Picture by Hallie... (she set this all up and was very proud!)

Picture by Hallie... (thanks for grabbing our cake pan for us... it saved us a trip!) :)

Owen loving up on Piper and playing "this little piggy" - :)

Little Miss Hallie...

Reese and Owen...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Family Fun Night - May 2009

Tonight was FAMILY FUN NIGHT at Valley West Mall! We used to go a lot last year... and then kind of got out of the routine, so it was nice to get to go again! We met up with Candi, Ryan and the girls too!! The character there tonight was BARNEY -hehehe! Not a Barney fan, but the kids thought it was cool! :) We played on all of the blow-up toys, got the kids' faces painted, made crafts, etc. It was a fun night! Afterwards we all went out to dinner at TGIFridays! It was yummy as usual! :)
Thanks for hanging out with us Ladwigs... we had lots of fun! :)

Happy 8th Anniversary!!!

Today is our 8 year wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe that it has been 8 years since we were married! Time seems to go so fast! The last 8 years have been amazing! Like any couple we have had our share of ups and downs... but through it all, I couldn't have picked a greater guy to spend the rest of my life with!
Thank you Nick for always being there for me... helping me through losing my dad, being a great husband and father, understanding me, forgiving me, showing me a better way and most of all being patient with me (I know how hard this is for you) -- {wink wink}! You truly are the best and I feel so lucky to have you!
I love you today, tomorrow and for many years to come! Happy 8th Anniversary, Nick!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Today is our little baby's 3rd birthday! Owen John Hamann is 3!!

Owen John... you are an absolute BLESSING! You came into our lives at the PERFECT time... and for that I will always be grateful! You have brightened our days in so many ways... I can't even begin to explain! God knew what he was doing when he planned for you... and I have THANKED him for that each day that has passed.. and will continue to do so for the rest of my time!

You are such a bright, outgoing, compasionate little boy. Your smile melts our hearts and your eyes light up the room! Your personality is amazing... you find joy in everything!! We have learned so much from you and our lives are a million times richer than they ever would have been with out you! We look forward to MANY MORE days with you... and are so happy to get to be your parents!


Owen - 3 days old

Owen - 3 years old

We are celebrating your birthday this Saturday with a family and a few friends... but today we got to spend the day with just you! Our great friends Brad and Nicole had Parker over for a playdate and we took you out for ice cream, went to the mall and out to lunch! It was a prefect day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Memorial Weekend 2009

We had a SUPER busy... and fun-filled weekend! We had our family (the Wilson side) from Keokuk come up to visit us on Thursday and stay for a couple of days! We were able to spend some good quality time together before heading up to Ida Grove on Saturday morning. When we got to Ida Grove the first thing the boys wanted to do was go fishing! So Papa, Nina, Nick and I loaded up the fishing gear and headed to Crawford Creek for some fishing! Within just a few minutes, Parker had a fish!!!! He was super excited! :) Then we headed back to my Mom's for dinner and visiting and made our annual Memorial Day trip out to the cemetery to honor the memory of my Dad.
We stayed with Don & Jane... so we were able to get in some visiting there as well! :) Papa & Nina took us fishing again in the morning at Cobb Park in I.G.... but we didn't have any luck there! Luckily there was a park... so the kids were excited and spent most of our time there playing at the park! :)
After a great lunch with the Hamann's we headed back home to enjoy the rest of our weekend at home!
It was a GREAT weekend... we are so grateful to have gotten to spend time with all of our family... and hope to see everyone again soon!
Hope everyone had a nice Memorial weekend! - - WARNING - Picture OVERLOAD! :)

At Crawford Creek...

Hanging out at Nina & Papa Hamann's house....

All of Parker's animals... he takes them EVERYWHERE he can!!!!
Cuddle time...

Sunday at Cobb Park...

Visiting at Nina Wilson's house...

Playing Soccer at Nina & Papa Hamann's house...

Parker's Preschool Graduation 2009

Wednesday night our little boy graduated from preschool! Hard to believe that he can be this big already... it seems like yesterday we were holding our little baby boy in our arms... and here he is 5 years old now!
Before the closing ceremonies we had a little get-together at the house to celebrate! Nina & Papa Hamann, Nina Wilson, Dan & Kim and the girls, and Matt all came to watch him graduate! We had dinner (BBQ Beef sandwiches, potato salad, veggies, beans and chips) and then cake/cupcakes and ice cream!
Parker got lots of GREAT presents too! Nina & Papa Hamann got him lots of beginning reading books, Aunt Kim & Uncle Dan got him an ART kit (which is his FAVORITE thing to do), he got money, clothes and I made him a little scrapbook! He was VERY excited... THANK YOU everyone! :)
THANK YOU everyone for coming to see Parker on his special day! We were so glad we could share this with all of you! :)
Here are a few pictures from the night...
My scrapbook for Parker... :)

Parker's FAVORITE gift! :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Playing at the park...

We took at trip to the park for daycare on Wednesday! We got McDonalds (Happy Meals are on sale on Wednesdays) and took it with us and had a little picnic in the park! It was ridiculously windy... but we still had a great time. Here are a few pictures of my boys... to see more of everyone, visit my daycare blog at!