Monday, May 11, 2009


HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Mommy's out there! :) I had a GREAT Mother's Day (except when I had to carry all my groceries in by myself - hehehe)! Kim and I decided to have a Mother's Day brunch for our Moms and Kim was so kind to have it at her house!!!! - - THANKS KIM!!! :) We each were responsible for making different dishes so there was TONS of food for everyone! To celebrate the day... Don & Jane, my Mom, Dan & Kim and the girls, Matt and Nick & I and the boys were all there! It was fun celebrating together! We took lots of pictures and got gifts and gave gifts! :) It was so nice! - - I am so THANKFUL to be able to spend this time together with our families!

Sorry there are no pictures of Nina & Papa Hamann... we DO LOVE THEM too!! :) - They prefer to not have their pictures posted on the blog. We still take lots of pictures... we just don't put them on the blog! :) - - Kim we didn't get one of you and the girls... and would LOVE to have one that Dan took! - PLEASE! :) THANKS! :)

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