Monday, May 25, 2009


Today is our little baby's 3rd birthday! Owen John Hamann is 3!!

Owen John... you are an absolute BLESSING! You came into our lives at the PERFECT time... and for that I will always be grateful! You have brightened our days in so many ways... I can't even begin to explain! God knew what he was doing when he planned for you... and I have THANKED him for that each day that has passed.. and will continue to do so for the rest of my time!

You are such a bright, outgoing, compasionate little boy. Your smile melts our hearts and your eyes light up the room! Your personality is amazing... you find joy in everything!! We have learned so much from you and our lives are a million times richer than they ever would have been with out you! We look forward to MANY MORE days with you... and are so happy to get to be your parents!


Owen - 3 days old

Owen - 3 years old

We are celebrating your birthday this Saturday with a family and a few friends... but today we got to spend the day with just you! Our great friends Brad and Nicole had Parker over for a playdate and we took you out for ice cream, went to the mall and out to lunch! It was a prefect day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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