Thursday, May 21, 2009

Costume Party

Last Thursday the Waukee Library had a "Costume Party" for story time! After I took the 2 older boys to preschool Avery, Owen, Braxton and I got ready to head over to the library! After careful consideration as to which costume they should wear... Braxton and Owen were ready to go costume in hand! Avery brought Dora from home so she just needed help getting dressed! They all looked so cute and Braxton even made the paper!!! Visit my daycare blog for more pictures of the kids and to see the newspaper article about it: and for the newspaper article check out! It was lots of fun... they got to listen to stories, color, use stamps, sing songs and have cupcakes and lemonade - who could ask for anything more!?!?! :)

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

FUN! I love that your library has tond of fun activities for the kids!!