Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bowling Anyone???

This last week was RAINY and COLD! Grrrrr... where are our sunny days??? I am beginning to think spring is all about rain! :) Actually I shouldn't complain, because the rain has given us the opportunity to try out some other FUN activities... like BOWLING!! :) We signed up for the summer KIDS BOWL FREE program and then Nick and I got passes for us for super cheap so we thought we would try it out this week! We went Tuesday and Wednesday and the kids had the time of their lives!!! :) I am SOOOO glad we went! We took Avery with us on Tuesday for daycare and then on Wednesday Corbin and Braxton got to come! - - I am starting a daycare blog.... and I will post our activities and outing on there so this blog can be dedicated to family. If anyone is interested in checking out what we are up to, please feel free to visit us! I have just got a site, so posts will soon follow!
Here is a sneak peak of Tuesday... (more photos will be on the daycare blog)
Owen... he was being so silly and having a BLAST!!! (sorry for the blurry picture - but it was too cute not to add)

Parker being a little cutie and posing!! :)


This was Parker's silly day... :) (again... more photos will be on the daycare blog)

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