Saturday, May 30, 2009

Grill Out...

Wednesday night we had the Ladwig family over for a grill out! We had hotdogs and hamburgers, veggies, apple-snickers salad, and chips... and it was YUMMY! :) The kids always love a chance to get to play with their cousins, so they had lots of fun!! :) We didn't get many pictures... but I did manage to snap a few! :)

Picture by Hallie... (she set this all up and was very proud!)

Picture by Hallie... (thanks for grabbing our cake pan for us... it saved us a trip!) :)

Owen loving up on Piper and playing "this little piggy" - :)

Little Miss Hallie...

Reese and Owen...

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

Thanks for dinner! Sorry we missed the big party, hope to see pictures soon! :)