Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hallie's School Carnival

Last Thursday was Hallie's carnival for her school and Candi had invited us to attend! :) We had a great time... they had fun little games for the kids! There was a "book"walk (a.k.a. cake walk - :)), a "snack" walk, face painting, ring toss, blow-up slide and bounce house, etc! The kids were in heaven! - hehehe! They even served us supper - grilled cheese, chips, veggies and dessert! - All for $10 for the entire family! What a bargain! I was busy running around with the boys so didn't get too many pictures (the girls were scrumptious in their matching dresses!), but here are a few! - - I am sure Candi will be posting more when she gets back from DISNEY! :)

On our way home we saw a DOE and FAWN right beside the road... here is the fawn! They were so pretty! :)

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

thanks for coming :) We had a fun night! Glad you were able to come!