Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Weekend 2009

We had a SUPER busy... and fun-filled weekend! We had our family (the Wilson side) from Keokuk come up to visit us on Thursday and stay for a couple of days! We were able to spend some good quality time together before heading up to Ida Grove on Saturday morning. When we got to Ida Grove the first thing the boys wanted to do was go fishing! So Papa, Nina, Nick and I loaded up the fishing gear and headed to Crawford Creek for some fishing! Within just a few minutes, Parker had a fish!!!! He was super excited! :) Then we headed back to my Mom's for dinner and visiting and made our annual Memorial Day trip out to the cemetery to honor the memory of my Dad.
We stayed with Don & Jane... so we were able to get in some visiting there as well! :) Papa & Nina took us fishing again in the morning at Cobb Park in I.G.... but we didn't have any luck there! Luckily there was a park... so the kids were excited and spent most of our time there playing at the park! :)
After a great lunch with the Hamann's we headed back home to enjoy the rest of our weekend at home!
It was a GREAT weekend... we are so grateful to have gotten to spend time with all of our family... and hope to see everyone again soon!
Hope everyone had a nice Memorial weekend! - - WARNING - Picture OVERLOAD! :)

At Crawford Creek...

Hanging out at Nina & Papa Hamann's house....

All of Parker's animals... he takes them EVERYWHERE he can!!!!
Cuddle time...

Sunday at Cobb Park...

Visiting at Nina Wilson's house...

Playing Soccer at Nina & Papa Hamann's house...

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

I love fishing with the kids!! :) What a fun weekend!