Thursday, May 21, 2009

Parker & Mommy's Day Out

Last Saturday Parker and I went on a little date! He had been wanting to see the Hannah Montana movie since it came out so I asked him to go Saturday! :) We invited our friends Nicole, Lily and Cooper to come along too! We stocked up on popcorn, candy and slushies and then went in to see the show! It was actually really a GREAT movie! :) Parker is my sensitive boy... and he has a crush on Hannah/Miley so this was especially exciting for him!

I love these little outings! It is nice to go out with just one child at a time and be able to give them all of your attention for a change! :) - - when we got home, this was Owen's response, "Mommy, when I get big like-E (this is how he says like) Parker, and me 5, you take-E me to see Hannah?" Of course I said yes... but little does he know that Hannah won't be at the movie theater when he is 5 I am guessing! :) hehehe! I love him! :)

The next date will have to be with Owen! :) - - wonder if there are any good movies coming out?

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

We loved the movie(Adam even went with us and liked it too!!!!)

Love little outings together-----and the kids love it too!!!