Saturday, May 30, 2009

Soccer Practice...

Our little boy started soccer last night {sniff sniff}! He is already 3... and now on to bigger and better things! :) He has loved soccer for as long as I can remember... he talks about it all the time, gets excited if we drive by the high schoolers playing soccer, kicks a ball around all the time or just carries it with him! This boy is a sports LOVER!
It was so fun to get to see him be involved in something by himself!! He was such a BIG boy! The practice was an hour long... and he did really great until about 40 minutes into it. At that time he walked off the field over to Nick and I and said "Mommy, I tired!" Poor thing! We encouraged him to go out and try some more since they were teaching some of the "good" stuff, and he did... but then came back over to us about 5 minutes later... and then again about 3 minutes later... and then about 2 minutes later until he was just done! He had a blast... but was just wore out! - - plus, there was a swingset there that he thought looked pretty fun! - hehehe!
All in all... he had fun, learned lots and did great! He is excited for next week already! We hope to video next time and I will try to post it... but not sure how to just yet! :) Here are some pictures of his first practice!!

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

Fun, fun, fun! I love kid sports!