Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Surprise Visitors and Photographer Owen

On Monday we had some visitors... our cousins Candi, Reese and Piper stopped by (Hallie was at school)! They had just gotten back from Disney Land so we hadn't seen them in awhile, so it was nice to get to visit and catch up! :) The kids had fun playing ... at least until it was bedtime! :) Owen has been pretty infatuated with Piper and wanted to hold her as usual! I took a couple of pictures of them and then Owen had a little too much fun with the camera... another photographer in the family??? hehehe! He cracks me up! Here are a few pictures from our visit!

Owen & Piper
Avery, Owen and Piper
Here's Owen's photography....
Part of Candi & Piper :)
Candi & Piper again! :)

Piper sitting up like a BIG GIRL! :)

We didn't get any of Reese??? Owen must have only been interested in Piper this day! :) THANKS for stopping by to visit... it was good seeing everyone. We will have to make some trips to the park, zoo or something fun this summer so the kids can play together!!!!


Jodi Lansink said...


Candi Ladwig said...

We love stopping by!! Can't wait to do it more often now that the weather is nice and the kids will be out of school!