Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brad's B-day Outing...

Saturday we celebrated Brad's birthday by having a SURPRISE golf outing at Beaver Creek during the day! Nick and I opted to just do 9 holes since I am not a huge fan of golf! Not to mention I had a headache too... so I didn't do much golfing! :) - - hole #1 and a few swings after that. Sorry golf lovers... I have a hard time keeping my eye on that little ball... and then searching for it so I can hit it again??? - I used to really like golf, guess age is not helping things! :) Maybe again someday! :) I will leave it to Nick for now!!!
After golfing we headed out to Rock Bottom for a SURPRISE party! - Nicole outdid herself! It was tons of fun!! Great company, great food, drinks... and a day/night out without kiddos!! :) Nick's parents came for the weekend and stayed with the boys on Saturday so we could have some fun!! - THANK YOU Nina and Papa!!
I didn't take my camera to the restaurant... but here is a picture of Nick and I on the gold cart! :)

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