Monday, June 15, 2009

Please Pray for Parker...

This post is going to be a hodge podge... I have been trying to keep everyone updated on Facebook but thought I better post on the blog so everyone who doesn't have FB can know what is going on.
It all started Friday night after Parker played a GREAT game of soccer!!! He started complaining that his legs hurt and then he got a fever. He fell asleep on Nick's legs at the restaurant and we carried him to the car and then put him to bed when we got home. He woke up in the middle of the night crying for me... I ran into his room and he needed to go potty... I told him lets go and he cried that he couldn't walk. :( I carried him in and sat him down and then let him sleep with us in bed. In the morning he still wasn't able to walk and complained of pain in his arms and legs and still had a fever. Saturday was spent alternating tylenol and ibuprofen to break the fever. Around 12 or so his eyes started turning red and were getting all mattery (pink eye??)He felt a little better around 1 and was trying to walk on his legs... he said the right hurt worse than the left so he would hop or crawl (or crab walk - his first choice :)) to get places. He had us carry him everywhere still too. Nick and I both thought he was just sore from soccer. Then we went to Ryan and Candi's for a BBQ for my birthday and my brother came over to sit with Parker at our house. He was sleeping when I called to check on him and when he called back he was crying and complaining that his legs, arms and hands were hurting him.I called Urbandale's walk-in clinic (they are opne until 8) and took him right in.
While in the clinic he had a temp of 103.9... she gave him tylenol again and said that she was very concerned about his right leg. She thought he could have a virus or that possibly something was wrong with the legs she wanted us to go to Blank Children's Hospital for x-rays and blood work. She wanted us to go by ambulance (which I asked if this was necessary) but said as long as we went right over that it was fine to drive him. We drove (of course) but it freaked me out that she would even ask that!
When we got there we had a nice long 2 hour wait until we were able to be seen by anyone (this is not uncommon - we've waited longer)! At this point he had a temp of 100.7... so it was going down! Once we were seen they started him on an IV for fluids and then took 4 or 5 containers of blood for testing. The doctor looked him over and didn't think x-rays were necessary at this time.
As the night went on they told us they would be admitting him... we didn't get into our room until 3am. Parker woke up when we were transporting him upstairs and he freaked out about having to stay... poor little thing. I told him I would stay with him so that calmed him down a little.
Through the night they gave him a small amount of morphine for the pain he was having. I forgot to mention... during this whole time his legs have been bended up against him... he would NOT extend them for anything!
By morning his fever was gone his pain had lessened... the doctor came in and said his leg x-rays are good and they are pretty sure it is viral. The virus they think is causing the pain is TOXIC SYNOVITIS.
The nurse asked him to try to walk to the bathroom and he did pretty well!! A little later the doctor came in (Dr. Mclury - who was GREAT) and said that he heard Parker was walking and wanted to see if he could see him walk too!! - Parker likes him!! :) He walked up and down the halls for him... all on his own! He said his legs weren't hurting anymore! So... fever gone, legs better but still a little matter on the eyes at this point. He was pretty much back to himself!
About an hour or two later.... the nurse just came in and now says that the doctor was not saatisfied with te x-ray of his LEFT leg. There is a cyst on the bone they think and they have now ordered an MRI to get a closer look. The cyst they found is what they think is a Unicameral Bone Cyst and it is on his left upper leg (on his femur). It is BENIGN (praise GOD!) but they want an MRI to see how agressive it is. They don't believe this cyst is related to any of the issues with Toxic Synovitis but want a closer look.
It is about 1pm or so... he is scheduled to get an MRI pretty soon - they are thinking around 4!
It is about 3 and now the MRI has been moved to 7.... and no food or drink until after the MRI - poor kid!
He went in at 7 for the MRI... he was very scared but they did sedate him. They had 3 viles of sedation medicine and said they would use a little as possible depending on how he did - - it took 2 viles to get him out! During the MRI he started to wake up and they used the last vile. It took about 1.5 hours until he came out. He was of course still sleeping and was very graugy (sp). They thought we could go home after he woke up this evening..... but he slept all night!
This morning right when he woke up he the doctors came in and checked him out again and asked him to walk for them.... he wouldn't.... he was tired and didn't want to do anything! They said they would be back later... and never came back! I ordered him breakfast from the cafeteria... even though he said he wasn't hungry. He was eating a piece of bacon.... and bam, puke everywhere!!!!!! I guess it is my own fault for pushing him to eat! Needless to say breakfast was over!
After a bath... Parker, Daddy and Owen went for a litle walk around the hospital while I stayed in the room hoping to get the MRI results! Nothing! After they got back Parker ate an apple and took his first dose of his antibiotic for his eye infection. It is an oral drug. We were supposed to have the MRI results this morning at 8 and then were going to get released later today.......... things have changed!
The doctor finally came in around 1 (after me chasing down several nurses and complaining enough) to let us know that they don't have a final reading on the MRI... well.... no news is aparently not good news... :( They are waiting to get another set of eyes (the Orthepedic doctor)to look at it. He said that it is definitely a cyst that is in the bone (femur) and he said and that is not their biggest concern... their is also fluid on his hip/pelvic area and they are concerned that there may be some type of a bone disease or something like that. They will not release us now today until they know... also... he said if it is what they are thinking Parker will have to start treatment (not sure what that is yet???). Not the news we are hoping for... I know this is in God's hands, so PLEASE send up more prayers for my baby!
He did stop back by to say that the Orthepedic Doctor will be in later today to see Parker and look at the MRI... he has other patients first.
I will update more as we know it.

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