Friday, June 12, 2009

"Safety City"

During this past week Parker took a class called "Safety City" to help prepare him for school! This class is offered by the Waukee police department... and it is a GREAT class!!! They teach kids about tons of stuff... such as bullying, bus safety, pedestrian safety, bike safety, McGruff the Crime dog, drugs, guns, car safety, etc. etc. On their first day they get paired up with a "buddy" who is in middle school and they are with them all week!! - Parker thought that was very cool! - His buddy was Brett and he even gave him a hug on graduation day! :) There was lots of GREAT, useful information for the kids! The class met M-F from 9-11:30 for one full week and they graduated on Friday! Parker really liked the class and saw some friends he already knew and met some new ones too! Here are a few pictures from graduation day!

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