Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We wanted to THANK everyone again for their kind words, prayers, visits, calls, emails and gifts! We feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives!

Parker asked me to blog all of his gifts... and even though I didn't get a picture of all of them... I thought I would still blog it for him! :) hehehe! - Robyn sent Parker this HUGE basket of goodies... and we are ALL enjoying it!! :) THANK YOU!! All of his gifts were great and very much appreciated!!!

We are so happy that he had so many visitors at the hospital... those of you who were able to come visit - THANK YOU!!! Parker felt pretty special having so many visitors!! THANK YOU Cooper and Lily for letting Parker borrow your DS too... he had lots of fun with it!! :) - how sweet of you two!

THANK YOU Ryan & Candi for watching Owen Saturday night... and Brad & Nicole for watching him on Monday! You guys were a HUGE help and we really appreciate it! - - and THANK YOU to all of you who volunteered to watch Owen.... you know who you are and we appreciate you all as well!!!

Really.. this post could go on and on... we truly are very GRATEFUL! Words can't express our gratitude! Although our stress isn't over yet... (we should know more soon) we are confident that with GOD and the support of all of our family and friends that we will get through whatever lies ahead!

THANK YOU all again... :)


Mere and Jonny said...

You have some nice friends! Let us know if we can watch Owen i mean i am his Godmother and all :) and let us know if we can do anything at all! take care and am praying for you guys

Jodi Lansink said...

Parker is a lucky little boy and has many people praying for him! What a scare----but so glad to hear he is doing better, I was thinking and praying for you all!!!!