Monday, June 15, 2009


GOD IS GOOD... he has answered our prayers!

The orthopedic doctor came in around 4pm... he examined Parker and then told us that he absolutely did NOT have the bone disease the others were talking about. PRAISE GOD!!! :) He said that MRI's are notorious for making things look like they are there when they are not! He said if Parker had this bone disease he would have so much pain, it would hurt to walk (continuously) and it would be extremely sensitive to touch! So no bone disease for Parker... again, PRAISE GOD!!!

He did however say that the cyst on his leg is one he himself has never seen. He has dealt with many on the humorous bone, but has never had anyone with one on their femur. So because of his lack of experience he wants to consult with doctors in Iowa City so we can do the most effective treatment. (I am SOOO THANKFUL that he is taking the necessary steps to do the BEST treatment possible!!!)

We are scheduling an appointment with our pediatrician for Friday and will have more answers then as to what treatment the orthopedic doctor and our doctor will do for him.

We then were released around 5 pm!!! He is wore out... but is doing better and is so happy to be out of the hospital.

I have tons of people to THANK.... all of our visitors... Don & Jane, Nina Wilson, Uncle Bubba (Matt), The Chiafos family (thanks for bringing the DS too!!!), and Lindsay & Josh (thanks for the activity sets... he loves them!).

THANK YOU to everyone who called, emailed, sent a message on FB, said a prayer, and/or thought about us.... we feel very lucky and very blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives. We know our battle isn't completely over but we are grateful for all of you and appreciate the support we have received this far!! THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU all!!! :)

I can hardly stand how amazing it is that God is so active in our lives.... we would have NEVER caught this if God didn't give Parker this viral illness he had to get us to the hospital! We would have no reason to x-ray his just amazes me. MY faith grows stronger EVERYDAY! - - - We truly do have an AMAZING, WONDERFUL GOD!!!

Here are a few pictures at the hospital...
We had a visitor while we were in the hospital... the THERAPY DOG!! :) Scout was AMAZING! He was a German Shepard and was so smart! A therapy dog and a police dog. He received commands for the police in GERMAN and commands for the hospitals in ENGLISH! WOW... he was so much fun and the kids LOVED him!! :)


Candi Ladwig said...

So glad for the good news!! How neat to have the visitor! Parker looks like a little trooper in the bed :)

Mere and Jonny said...

Thats a cute pic of Parker and Owen with the dog! Hope he is doing better and sure things will keep on the uphill for him!