Monday, June 29, 2009

Vacation Bible School 2009

This year VBS was "The School of Rock" at our church! We invited our friends Corbin, Cooper and Lily to come again this year... and it was another GREAT week! :) I volunteered to help again... only this year not in the kitchen, I worked with the 4th grade boys! - talk about CHALLENGING! :) They were great kids... I loved their questions, they got pretty rowdy at times... and all I could think all week was "really, 8 boys???" God must have thought I needed more work on my patience! :) hehehe! :)
We planned to have a sleepover on Friday again this year too... but Parker had a rough week with being in the hospital all weekend the weekend before and then Owen got a fever and ear infection... so we just did ice cream instead! I took the kids all to Dairy Queen and Amy came along too! The kids had fun and were goofy... :) Here are a few pictures...

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