Saturday, June 13, 2009


Happy Birthday to me.... Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeee! I actually
did manage to squeeze in a great birthday before my little Parker got too sick! That morning I got up and decided to bake my favorite cupcakes... strawberry with strawberry frosting! - yum! Owen of course wanted to help me!! :)
Then around 1 Nicole came over to take me out to lunch and out for a pedicure! We toasted the day with a glass of wine..........sorry, but wine was not for me - Nick finished it for me! :) Then Laci joined us and we were off to lunch at Graze!!! Graze was YUMMY!!! - it is in West Glenn for anyone interested... and I definitely recommend it! It was farmers market in West Glenn so we checked that out first and then sat outside at Graze to watch the band! What a GREAT atmosphere and a nice day too! :) Then we headed right down the road to get pedicures!

During our pedicures I did get a bad text from my friend Dawn... and that was just the beginning of things to come! Poor Dawn - she had paralysis in her face and later found out that she has Bells Palsy! Then a lady walked in and was talking about her cancer (it was sad)! I turned to Cole and Laci and said, "this is really strange how all of this bad stuff is happening right now... I feel like God is trying to tell me something." - - I am not kidding... I felt this and said it!

We left the salon and headed over to the mall for a quick COLD STONE treat - my favorite!! :) - - thanks Laci for the idea!! :) It was very yummy!! :) They made me wear a nice little (ok BIG)birthday hat and the entire staff sang me HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) hehehe! I may have looked a little crazy... but at least the ice cream was good! :)

As soon as we got home Parker wasn't feeling well still so we had my brother sit with him while we ran over to Candi and Ryan's for a b-day BBQ! :) - didn't want anyone to catch whatever he had! When we got to Ryan and Candi's... Candi and the girls had made me a FARMTOWN birthday cake..........hehehehe! :) It was pretty darn cute! :) Unfortunately I didn't get to have any since our night ended in the hospital! We did get to enjoy a GREAT supper with the Ladwig's before having to take Parker in... and they were nice enough to keep Owen for us too! Owen said he had a great time swimming with the girls!!! - - THANK YOU so much for all of you help and for the great dinner guys!! - you guys are the best! Take a look at this cake..........

Here are a few other pictures I wanted to post... my flower door hanger I made for me... finally! I never get time to make anything for myself so I am pretty excited to have a new door hanger! :)

And here are my pretty flowers I planted on Mother's Day weekend! :) I love them!

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