Friday, June 19, 2009

Frustrated... with NO NEWS!

We just got back from Parker's Appt.... GRRRR! They have not heard back from the Iowa City doctors... so we really have no more news. I told her I was concerned about the cyst growing since everything I have read says they can continue to grow until they are 12 years old and she was unsure but thought that it could continue to grow. She did want to run some more blood tests to make sure everything looked good now... since he no longer has the virrus in his system. They did 3 tests! (not sure what they all were though). She also tried to call Dr Taylor (the Orthopedic dr) while I was there and left him a message to get back with her about his treatment. I was a little pushy and said I would like some answers no later than Monday... and she said she would call me Monday. I just don't want to take a chance of him breaking his leg while we are waiting to start treatment!!!!!! - So we will have to wait again!


Christi said...

That Stinks!! We continue to pray for you guys daily:) Hopefully they WILL get back to you on Monday- keep us posted.

Mere and Jonny said...

Thats not good. Sorry to hear that. I would be pushy too. Hospitals/doctors are so lazy and nothing is ever urgent with them. I don't blame you! keep us posted

Monica said...

Mere told me about Parker. Hope you can get some answers soon. Hang in there.