Monday, June 1, 2009

Owen's 3rd Birthday Party!

On Saturday we celebrated Owen's 3rd birthday with our family! We had everyone over for lunch, cake and banana splits! Owen had a great time and got some great presents too... presents are always lots of fun!! :) Here are some memories from our day...
the invitations (handmade by me :))

the cake... (again made by me)

Nina Wilson & the birthday boy...

Aunt Mere & the birthday boy (god mother) - :)


our 2 monkeys... :)

THANK YOU everyone for all of the GREAT gifts!!! :) Bummer that the Ladwig girls weren't feeling well... we missed you!


Jodi Lansink said...

Fun party!!! AND----aren't you the crafty one?!?! LOVE the invites AND the cake!!!! Good for you!!!

Mere and Jonny said...

I love your cake and was so glad the boys enjoyed my gift for Owen! Was so good seeing you and the family and sorry I couldn't stay that long! When are Jonny and I coming over for cocktails and grilling? :)

Candi Ladwig said...

bummer is right! we were all bummed they were sick! hallie kept saying, "i won't touch anyone" (when we told her she would get others sick) glad he had a fun day!