Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Parker Update...

Finally got some news today!!! Parker has a consulation this Friday in Iowa City with a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon. He will be having surgery for the bone cyst. I have started a list of questions for him... but in the meantime have been told that the procedure will be similar to Bone Grafting. They will inject a bone substitute into his bone. It is like a calcium substance they will put directly into the bone to help stimulate bone growth for this area.
My questions are... will they actually remove the cyst then or inject this onto the cyst area??? I would also like to know why they chose this option versus the least invasive one - steroid injections??? And... will this take care of the cyst... what is the success rate from this procedure and what will the result be??? - - - I am sure I will have many more questions by Friday! :)
Also... Dr Taylor did say that this is a painful procedure... so prayers are still needed. He wasn't sure if the surgery would be outpatient or not at this point so I will find that out on Friday as well.
So... we will be venturing to Iowa City bright and early Friday morning and will have more answers on Friday afternoon! :) I will update when I know more... and hopefully get to blog some of our HAPPY things that have been going on lately! :)
THANK YOU for your concern and prayers... we are grateful!

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

So glad you got the news back and sure you will have more questions as it goes along. We will keep him/you in our thoughts and prayers!