Sunday, June 7, 2009

Soccer Practice #2

What a practice!!! It was absolutely georgous out... and the kids all did great playing! :) Check out the pictures...

See anything different....

really different...

you should be able to see it by now....

Yep.... that is PARKER!!!! - our new soccer player! :)

Owen just couldn't hack it! An hour of following directions was too much for this little guy! He is on to bigger and better things! :) hehehe! If you recall from last week he loved it... but got tuckered out after about 40 minutes! This week... we got to the fields and he didn't even want to start! So we talked to him and made sure he was sure (all the while Parker begging us to let him play for Owie)... and he was SURE! In fact... here is his seal of approval....

He had to sit with us (no running around) and watch Parker... and he did! He enjoyed watching, just didn't want to play! So I think we will wait until next year to try soccer again! :) - - We are still shocked considering he LOVES to play soccer every day at home!?!?!? Go figure! At least they let us switch Owen and Parker... the team is 3-4-5 year olds, so Parker will get to be on the 5 year old team and will fit in just great! Who would have thought... Parker to be our little sports junkie... we were convinced it was Owen! :) -- guess a few more years will tell! :)

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

love this story! :)
Oh, owie!!